Sunday 17 January 2010


This means first shooting (tournament) of the year in Kyudo the traditional way of the bow.

The cold was so intense is was hard to stand on the floor and toes got numbed.
A bottle of sake was there for O miki and to warm the bodies up, it was intensively used although is was early morning.

After the usual speeches and greetings was a ceremonial shooting at the makiwara with 2 helpers called Kaezoe.

This is a rare form with a bow carrier (kaeyumi) in case the shooter's string breaks.

The makiwara is a straw-made practice target.

Followed by  ceremonial shooting, Yawatashi.

The newly graded from the past year also offered a ceremonial shot, Reisha.
 Then a Sannin hitosumato zasharei, 3 persons shoot on the same target in turns within a precise ceremonial.
After that a general Reisha (2 arrows) and twice 4 arrows shooting.

 Yours in Kai.

After a bento (lunch box) and a soup lunch break we carried on with shooting on a smaller targer called Hanamato, representing the 12 months of the year with a flower for each month.
Whoever hits the target keeps it and receive a price later on.
I was lucky enough to hit one with my first arrow and got to go help gathering arrows at the target bank.
By sheer chance I hit the one for my birth month.

It took a very long time to hit all the 12 targets.
Followed another shot  of the same size target (5 of them) covered in golden paper.
Last we shot at  balloons containing a number giving a prize, here too my first arrow hit one.

The day ended in the presentation of the various prizes.

Wednesday 13 January 2010

Seasonal weather

For the last couple of days snow has been covering everything.
The scenery has taken on a different shape and color or should I say colorless since eveything is white.
Under about 40cm things are getting  a bit dangerous as the roof over the verandah and the one over the kiln shed are not made for that kind of weight.

I am just hoping that it will stop snowing as I don't feel like dropping all that snow from the rooves.

Might have to do it though.

The garden cryptomeria under its winter mantel.

Winter melancoly.

Only Romeo and Juliett are happy in this weather.


The car is not of much use, better stock some food.


Thursday 7 January 2010

Iaido demonstration

On the 20th of december I took part in a Iaido (Japanese swordmanship) demonstration before a Kendo kids tournament.

I wonder if they choose the date on purpose to harden the kids but it was freezing cold in the non heated venue.

In true japanese style we had to be there a couple of hours ahead to make sure no-one was going to be late and to warm up.
Best way to get a cold as it was impossible to get warm.

Group pic, can't see the cold yet!!!

Wednesday 6 January 2010

New year 2010

For once invited by some friends to share those special moments of the passing of one year to the other I was in Mykonos, seaside house of my friends Odile and Ken in Nagasaki prefecture.

Superbe view to the sea from the deck first enjoyed by Romeo and Juliett.

Cooking by Ken assisted by Odile and we helped by staying clear of the kitchen.

The weather was a true winter like with snow on the 31st.

The 2nd was absolutely beautiful and we took advantaged of it to lunch outside on the deck.

Odile et Kaoru


Japanese  tradition says that no fire should be lit during the New Year, therefore no cooking and no bath.

For this reason preserved food was cooked in advance lasting several days by the women of the house.
Nowadays it is often bought at restaurants or department stores.
Here is what it looks like.

Personally not very fond of it.

Season greetings by Marine and Brownie (Zu).

Beautiful New Year's moon.